Wise Craft Construction is a family owned and operated business. We are passionate about building a better community by using the latest construction methods and technology. Our team of professionals will work with you to design your dream home or commercial building!
On average, the company manages between 6 to 12 job sites at the same time, which also implies hundreds of contractors and unionized employees
Main Results
78% less time spent on finding the right vendors
Maverick spending reduced by 24% in the first 3 months
Real-time communication with contracted vendors

Josh Davidson
“We constantly found ourselves overwhelmed by manual approval processes and had to cut down on our obsolete record-keeping.”
With its predominantly phone/email/excel-based processes, Wise Craft Construction had a difficult time trying to keep itself organized across all sites and contracted vendors.
It partnered with Prokuria as a means of streaming their workflow, improving the quality of their vendors and suppliers, as well as being able to respond quickly to any site needs and emergencies.
By using Prokuria, Wise Craft Construction was able to eliminate its inefficient phone calls-based processes and automate its sourcing in order to ensure coverage across all its operational sites. In addition, it was able to implement real-time auctions between vendors to drive competition, speed up the process, and reduce costs. As a digital central directory for all supplier information, Prokuria helped increase vendor visibility, boost onboarding, and capture all document changes happening in the background.
Prokuria help us to:
Reduce the time spent finding new vendors
Decrease the company costs
Effective communication with contracted vendors